Harbour fees

Ports of Múlaþing
Schedule of Charges 2024

Charges related to vessel size

The basis for determining fees relating to vessel size shall be the ship’s gross tonnage according to its International Tonnage Certificate, issued in accordance with the International Convention on Tonnage Measure of Ships, 1969.

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Harbour fees

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Tonnage dues

Tonnage dues of ISK 18,99 per unit must be paid for every ship, though no more than twice in the same month.

Dock dues

Dock dues must be paid for every ship moored at a pier or quay as follows:

  • ISK 10,10 per unit for each commenced 24 hours.
  • Passenger vessels on anhorage and using tender pontoon ISK 4,86 per unit
  • It is permissible to levy tonnage and dock dues on fishing vessels and smaller-sized boats as a monthly charge of ISK 119,25 per unit. These shall, however, in no case be less than ISK 27.089 per month.
  • Boats 10 – 20 GT pay ISK 16.163 per month.
  • Boats less than 10 GT never pay less than ISK 8.751 per month
  • Unregistered boats shorter than 6 metres pay ISK 6.182 per month. Such boats should be removed ashore from October to May.
  • Sailing and pleasure boats day charge is EUR 20
  • Boats stored on land ISK 3.499 per month

Commodity tax

The following goods are entirely exempt from commodity tax:

  • Packaging that is being returned, such as emptied herring barrels, etc.
  • Provisions, fuel and oil, and other necessities for the vessel’s own use.
  • General mail items and traveller’s luggage.
  • Waste transported for disposal.
1 Per tonne of liquid chemicals measured in cubic metres: Coal, grain in bulk, salt, pumice, diatomite, petrol (gasoline), fuel oil, algae meal, cement, fertiliser and waste transported for recycling. ISK 410
2 Per tonne: Fish oil and fish meal. ISK 574
3 Per tonne: Heavy goods, such as sacked goods, unprocessed iron and steel, fishing gear, lubricants, marine products, agricultural products, and raw materials for industry and construction. Packed and preserved foodstuffs, non-alcoholic beverages and fruit. ISK 747,27
4 Per tonne. Other goods not listed in Categories 1-3. ISK 1.614
1,50% of total catch value.
Marine catches set on land or into vessels in the harbour area to be processed or transported away. Fee calculation shall be based on the total value of the catch.
The fee for frozen catch in freezer trawlers and for cultured fish shall be calculated on the basis of 50% of the total catch value.
As soon as a sale is concluded, the purchaser of the catch is required to turn over a report on the catch sold to the harbour master, for instance a copy of the catch report for the Directorate of Fisheries. The wharfage fee on the catch becomes due upon the catch being landed.
The purchaser has the obligation to pay the fee.
1: Mooring and unmooring charges per visit of each vessel served ISK 20.359
2: overtime ISK 34.973
3: If more than one linesman is used for the service, the charge for each extra person is ISK 20.359
4: overtime ISK 34.973

Harbour pilot is not compulsory but if requested the the Port Authority can arrange such service

1: Set fee per vessel ISK 6.270
2: Per gross tonne ISK 9,30
3: Transfer of pilot ISK 49.570

Rental for container yards/storage of fishing gear

  • The rent for storage areas shall be as follows:
  • Storage on a gravel lot ISK 208 per m2 per month.
  • Storage on an asphalt lot ISK 329 per m2 per month.
  • Storing fishing gear on the quay, ISK 5.537 per 24-hour period.
  • Storage fee for each 20-foot container ISK 2.900 for each commenced month.
  • Storage fee for each 40-foot container ISK 5.800 for each commenced month.
  • Monthly storage fee for each 20-foot freezer container. ISK 2.681 + electricity.
  • Monthly storage fee for each 40-foot freezer container. ISK 4.289 + electricity.
  • The storage fee for seine and trawl storage in the storage area is the same per month as for a 40-foot container.
  • Closed hook-containers ISK 1.070 per cubic metre per month.
  • Open hook-containers ISK 530 per cubic metre per week.
  • Open hook-containers ISK 1.869 per cubic metre per month.
  • Rent of gangway ISK 5.931 per each occasion.
  • Secure storage area ISK 157 per m2 per month.

Waste removal

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Waste removal

A captain or ship owner who wishes to remove garbage, cargo remnants, oil remnants or polluting substances ashore shall request the assistance of a certified service provider approved by the Port for the removal and disposal of such waste from ships in the port area. A captain, ship owner or service provider shall, without exception, turn in a completed form to the Port Authority stating the quantity and type of waste removed ashore.

Ships exempt from Article 11 c of Act no. 33/2004 on Prevention of Pollution of Oceans and Shores shall pay the service provider the cost of removal and waste disposal. If the Port removes general waste for disposal, a charge shall be paid according to this Article for each cubic metre of waste. If the Port undertakes removal of polluting waste or special waste that leads to extra cost in addition to general waste disposal, the party concerned shall pay the extra cost incurred.

Ships covered under Article 11 c of Act no. 33/2004 on Prevention of Pollution of Oceans and Shores shall pay charges as follows:

  • Waste charge: Upon arrival of a ship in port, ISK 0,94 per GT. This charge is intended pay for surveillance and administration by the Port for the receipt of waste. The minimum charge under this item is ISK 12.614 and the maximum ISK 57.115.
  • Waste charge: The charge under clause a may be reduced if the environmental management, design, equipment and operation of the ship is such that the captain is able to demonstrate that less waste is created on board.  A minimum charge according to this clause is ISK 6.559 and the maximum ISK 29.500.
  • Waste charge: Ships and boats that come more than four times to the Port during a calendar year shall pay according to clause b at the fifth arrival and thereafter.
  • Waste charge: Ships and boats with Seyðisfjörður Port as their permanent port shall pay a fixed monthly charge for the surveillance and administration of waste disposal. The monthly charge shall be ISK 6.559.
  • Disposal dues: On arrival at port, all vessels subject to Article 11 of Act No. 33/2004 are to pay a disposal fee irrespective of whether they unload waste on land. The disposal fee is to cover the cost of disposal of waste that is unloaded on land. Passenger vessels longer than 60 metres shall pay ISK 1,84 per GT. The fee is based on the following waste volume:
    – Passenger vessel less than 30.000 GT: 5m3
    – Passenger vessel from 30,000 to 100,000 GT: 10M3
    – Passenger vessels more than 100,000 GT: 15m3
    – Other vessels pay ISK 2,57 per GT. The fee is based on 5m3 of waste.
    According to item 8, payment must be effected for waste that exceeds the above criteria. Ships and boats that are less than 60 m in length and have a home port in the port of Seyðisfjörður are subject to a special agreement which takes account of, among other things, laws and regulations on the delivery of waste. The minimum fee according to this item is ISK 44.235
  • Disposal dues: In the event that a vessel seeks the services of a recognised entity for the disposal of waste, such vessel may receive a refund of the imposed disposal fee according to item 5, provided that a receipt from the receiving entity together with correct information on the volume disposed of is submitted. The condition for the refund of costs is that the receipt of the receiving entity is submitted to Seyðisfjörður Port within 48 hours of the vessel’s departure.
  • According to Arcicle 11 of Act No. 1200/2014, the Environment Agency of Iceland can grant vessels on scheduled routes, which regularly dock in the ports and provide evidence of delivery of waste and payment of fees in each port on the route in question, an exemption from the delivery of waste. A Master or owner of a vessel who has been granted an exeption from the Environment Agency of Iceland as regards the disposal of waste or submission of notifications must present a valid confirmation to such effect.
  • Vessels that are exempt from payment obligations pursuant to item 1 of the second paragraph of Article 17 and Article 11© of the Harbour Act, must pay for the harbour‘s acceptance and disposal of general waste. The port‘s minimum fee for the receipt of waste is ISK 13.180 per cubic metre, and the minimum fee to be paid is for one cubic metre. In the event that the port is responsible for the receipt of hazardous waste or special waste involving greater cost than that of general waste, the party must pay any resulting cost.

Operations and ISPS security fee

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Piloting fees

  • Harbour pilot is not compulsory but if requested the the Port Authority can arrange such service.
  • Set fee per vessel ISK 6.270
  • Per gross tonne ISK 9,30
  • Transfer of pilot ISK 49.570

Mooring and unmooring charges

  • Mooring and unmooring charges per visit of each vessel served ISK 20.359
    overtime ISK 34.973.
  • If more than one linesman is used for the service, the charge for each extra person is ISK 20.359
    overtime ISK 34.973.

Fresh water supply

  • Fresh water from pier, minimum charge, ISK 6.263
  • Fresh water to vessels, ISK 373/m3.
  • For service outside of daytime working hours, ISK 8.374
    per hour is added to the normal rate.

Weighbridge charges

  • Ordinary weighing ISK 207 per tonne
  • The minimum charge for a single weighing/unloading ISK 1.242
  • Weighing a transport vehicle ISK 2.193 per weighing
  • Weighing work during daytime working hours ISK 6.400 per hour
  • Weighing work during overtime hours ISK 9.800 per hour
  • Weighing work, sample weighing ISK 8.197 per hour
  • Crane fee, unloading with a harbour crane ISK 371 per tonne
  • Registry fee  ISK 123,18 per tonn

Receiving ships subject to the 
ISPS code /Security fee

  • For each ship that is covered by provisions of harbour security ISK 21.905 as well as ISK 2,07 for each gross tonne of each ship.
  • Security charge for daytime working hours ISK 7.505 per individual per hour. Security charge for night working hours ISK 11.267 per individual per hour.
  • Protection fee ISK 204 per passenger.
  • Port of Seyðisfjörður accepts bookings for cruise ships in advance. In the event of cancellation the following applies.
  • Cancellation less than 18 months before the expected arrival time will incur a cancellation fee of 5% of the dock dues.
  • Cancellation less than 12 months before the expected arrival time will incur a cancellation fee of 15% of the dock dues.
  • Cancellation less than 6 months before the expected arrival time will incur a cancellation fee of 30% of the dock dues.
  • Cancellation less than 48 hours before the expected arrival time will incur a cancellation fee of 100% of the dock dues.
  • Exceptions are made for cancellations made within 48 hours before the expected arrival time due to bad weather conditions.
  • Cancellation fee does not apply to changes in dates and/or ships if it is possible to comply with such a request.

Electricity fee

  • Containers ISK 22,86 per kWh.
  • To ships ISK 22,86 per kWh.
  • Charge for connecting, daytime hours ISK 3.214
  • Charge for connecting, night work hours ISK 8.761
  • Electric meter rental ISK 6.248 annually.
  • Charge for connecting outside of daytime working hours ISK 8.551.

Hourly rate for harbour wardens

  • Daytime working hours rate ISK 6.400
  • Overtime hours rate ISK 9.800


  • Rental of the presence chamber at the Ferry terminal, 1–4 hours ISK 10.029, whole day, ISK 17.128

Collection and payment of dues

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Collection and payment of dues

  • Should charges not be paid by the proper due date, the calculation of penalty interest on the amount overdue is provided for by Art. 6 of Act No. 38/2001, on Interest and Price Indexation.
  • A vessel’s captain and owner are responsible for paying any charges that must be paid to the Ports of Múlaþing pertaining to their vessel. Upon arriving in harbour, the captain is obligated to submit information to the harbour master on the vessel, in compliance with provisions of the fifth paragraph of Art. 33 of Harbour Regulation No. 326/2004, and to hand over to the harbour master certificates on the vessel’s flag state and registration, should the harbour master demand this due to insufficient information from the captain, with the Harbour Fund having the right to retain these certificates until fees have been paid. Resulting delays and losses are solely at the responsibility and cost of the party paying accrued fees.
  • Accrued fees must be paid before the vessel leaves harbour, and no captain can expect service for his/her vessel from the Area Police Commissioner or Directorate of Customs without proving by certification from the harbour master that s/he has paid every fee to the port.
  • The wharfage fee shall be paid on all goods which are unloaded, transported or handed over, or come in any other manner by sea or land inside harbour limits. The wharfage fee is considered to be owed by a vessel prior to its beginning its voyage, unless specifically negotiated otherwise. The carrier is responsible for the wharfage fee, and handing over goods without paying the wharfage fee shall be at its responsibility.
  • If goods are moved from one vessel to another, the one unloading shall be the one to pay the wharfage fee.
  • The wharfage fee on goods coming into the harbour becomes due when the vessel transporting the goods arrives at the harbour, whereas the wharfage fee on goods transported from the harbour becomes due when the goods have been loaded aboard the vessel. The captain and ship’s agent are not authorised to hand over the goods until the fee has been paid.
  • All fees according to this Schedule of Charges are subject to enforcement at any time, following a court ruling.
  • Vessel dues shall be guaranteed through a statutory lien on the respective ship or an insurance lien, which shall have priority against any contractual claims for two years, cf. the provisions of the second paragraph of Art. 21 of the Harbours Act, No. 61/2003.
  • Ports of Múlaþing is authorised to demand additional guarantees for the paying of accrued fees, should there seem to be any reason for doing so.

All fees in this Schedule of Charges are exclusive of value added tax.

  • This Schedule of Charges for Ports of Múlaþing was approved by the elected council of Múlaþing on the 13th of December 2023, in keeping with the Harbours Act, No. 61/2003, and Art. 37 of the Harbour Regulation, No. 326/2004.
  • This Tariff of Charges shall take effect on January the 1st 2024 and is issued for the guidance of all concerned.
  • Major/Harbour Director: Björn Ingimarsson

However, Ports of Múlaþing is required to collect value added tax on all charges in this Schedule, cf. Item (3) of Art. 3 of the Value added Tax Act, No. 50/1988, as subsequently amended.

Please note this a translation of the document Gjaldskrá Hafna Múlaþings 2024 which is in Icelandic, approved by Sveitastjórn Múlaþings (Múlaþing council) on Dec.  13th 2023. In case of any discrepancies the original, Icelandic document will always be dominant in any dispute.